We have partnered with GiveGet to change the way you can donate to charity, giving you the opportunity to earn rewards for doing a little good.

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It’s simple, when you donate to MHF via the GiveGet platform you’ll earn points that you can use to unlock discounts and savings with Aussie retailers.

100% of your donation comes directly to us, helping MHF.

Every $1.00 you donate earns you 1 Donation Point which can be redeemed for discounts on your everyday purchases, making donating to causes important to you a little bit more affordable. It’s a win-win.

Every donation helps support us and puts savings back in your pocket.

MHF, are excited to be joining GiveGet on their mission to change the way you donate to charity. Together we can do a lot to change the world and help Australian charities.

You can make your first donation to MHF and start earning points today!

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